
Poultry meal is an ingredient used as pet food, feed for farmed animals and aqua feed. Poultry meal contains 100% poultry/turkey and goose material that was produced of soft parts of animals. Presence of feather is possible max 3%. All European manufacturers work in accordance to European regulations (Regulation (EC) No 183/2005 for feed hygiene), environmental health requirements are very high.

Poultry meal use

Poultry meal is an excellent source of protein and can be used to replace fish meal in many diets.  Calcium and phosphorous are essential for fast animal growth. Palatable and high-quality feed ingredient due to its content in essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. In addition to its use in livestock, it is in high demand from the pet food and aquaculture industries.

Production process

Rendering is required to stabilize the mass of poultry co-products that have been removed from the human edible stream. The rendering plant accepts and processes all raw materials received from the animal processing plant and must ‘render’ them stable so as to avoid public health problems. The process transforms raw unused poultry parts into a form that can be easily stored and transported. Rendering, in its simplest description, is a sterilization, dehydration, and resizing process. This involves extensive heating (approximately 280°F), which drives water and fat from the bone and tissue. The fat is removed by pressing and the remaining ‘cake’ is ground in a hammer mill to a uniform particle size.

Standard parameters

Typical Value 1




max 13%


max 24%


max 6%

Pepsin Digestibility

min 88%





1This profile may differ due to raw material used in production process